Twenty-six members attended some or all of this year’s Kahane walking weekend and we were truly blessed with the weather.
On Friday we did a circuit walk from the Lodge, along the Porcupine Link track, stopping at some rock formations near the headwaters of the Lubra Creek.
On Saturday we completed the new Alpine Walk from Perisher to Bullocks Flat. This is an amazing track with wonderful views to Lake Crackenback and the Alpine Way. We finished at Perrota’s Cafe and Bar at Lake Crackenback where we were collected by Brett from Snowy Mountains Shuttles for the trip back to Perisher. We can’t thank Brett enough for his help in making our day a success.
On Sunday we had several different trips: some walked up the White’s River Corridor to Horse Camp hut; some walked to the site of the original Bett’s Camp; some walked towards Charlotte Pass on the Alpine track; and some drove to the Dalgety Show. A great day was had by all.
On Monday we had a group head towards Carruthers from Charlotte Pass. One cyclist rode to Seamans Hut.
Another wonderful weekend in the mountains made all the better by the catering of our Lodge Manager Tony.