The forecast for the morning of 19th October was for a particularly windy day. Nonetheless, thirteen keen walkers met our leader Andy Cairns at the end of St Bernards Drive, Lawson, for what turned out to be a most enjoyable circuit in almost perfect conditions.
Highlights were Dantes Glen, St Michaels Falls, Empire Pass, Frederica Falls, Echo Bluff and, in case we thought we had seen all the falls, right at the end of the walk came Fairy Falls. Much of the walk followed the clear running Blue Mountains Creek which we crossed three times on well-placed stepping stones. Bird calls abounded and spring flowers delighted.
Lunch was taken at stunning Echo Bluff, where some of our party tested the name with loud coo-ee calls with results varying because of the ever increasingly noisy wind.
This walk was well timed, as Bob and Sally were just back from their latest trip overseas, and Harm and Sharon are about to go walking in their much loved New Zealand. Ron McCann at 85 years kept up a cracking pace, while others followed at a more sedate rate. There were no straying stragglers today, thanks to Marion’s skilful management of the tail-enders.
To top off a wonderful day, we all gathered on the verandah of the Cairns’ place for Marion’s magnificent afternoon tea. Here we were not only treated to fabulous food, but also enjoyed Marion’s lovely garden.
Many thanks to Andy and Marion Cairns for organising and leading the walk today and for having us all back at their place afterwards.
Bob kindly mapped our route today in real time, as shown below.