After some good recent rain, the country around Oberon and Black Springs was looking just fantastic. The Retreat River had risen and was flowing at a much stronger rate than usual. There was further rain on Thursday, making the river crossing a challenge even for the high-clearance 4WDs. However, by Friday the sun was out and then over the next few days the river dropped back to near normal levels providing a relatively easy exit crossing.
We always come prepared to help with jobs that are better suited to a group, and this year we were able to help Jacqui cut up several fallen trees and store the timber ready for next winter. We also cleared a large rock which had somehow ended up in the middle of the river crossing.
It wasn’t all hard work of course: we managed a few walks along the river and enjoyed our nightly campfire happy hours in the tranquility of the valley.
Many thanks to Jacqui for your hospitality.