Proposed changes at Perisher Fire Station

Fire and Rescue NSW is planning to employ retained staff rather than full time staff at Perisher Fire Station outside of the winter period. This will extend response times to our lodges at Charlotte Pass and Perisher from October to May each year.

Retained staffing is used at most country towns and other resort areas within Australia and provides an excellent level of fire protection. To date 5 Perisher locals have volunteered to be trained as retained firefighters which is a great step forward.

Retained firefighters are those that are paid a monthly allowance for their service; have pagers to respond when called; are paid for each call they attend; are trained to the same level as full time firefighters; are generally in the area of Perisher.

SLOPES, the body that represents our interests with government agencies and resorts, has recommended immediate action in an attempt to influence the FARNSW decision.